e-Lybra®9 Analysis and Balancing – working with Carol - Refreshing Horizons (2024)

This is the service most of my clients select.

It is excellent alone or as a follow-up to something else, such as a shamanic energy session. Having both eases the integration of the shamanic session and sends you forward through whatever life transition you want to make.

What is the e-Lybra®9?

The e-Lybra®9 is sophisticated (and expensive!) bio-energetics equipment. This uses bio-resonance analysis and balancing tofind imbalancesin the bio-field. At the same time as it finds imbalances, it produces bio-resonance patterns thatharmonise the imbalancesto trigger your natural healing processesinto action.

The e-Lybra®9 scans you using over three hundred thousand resonances to create a tremendously comprehensive re-balancing regime. It aims to sort things out from the roots up rather than a patch of sticking plaster at the top or suppressing symptoms as a lot of drugs do.

The equipment was designed to work remotely as effectively as in the clinic for many functions, so there is no need to visit unless you want to.
This flyer was created by one of my clients:

eLybra FlyerDownload

What is involvedina bio-resonance session with Carol?

You are welcome to have a 15-minute free chat to see whether it is something you are drawn to and whether you like me. I can recommend a plan of action after that.

When we proceed with an e-Lybra9 bio-resonance session:

1. You provide

  • A bio-sample – usually atiny hair sample(or nail clippings and fur/feathers for animals) in a clean, sealed, plastic bag. I can post a bag and questionnaire out to you if required.
  • acompleted brief or full questionnaire– includes your date of birth and address for the session and other important admin. information for me.
  • a digital portrait (optional)

2. Wespeak(by phone, Zoom orin person) so I can get to know a bit about you and your life history in order to tune the session appropriately for you.

Usually, there is no need to come to see me at the clinic.It is, of course, nice to meet each other in person occasionally, but I do have to charge extra to cover my costs.

At the clinic, we can run some short sessions of various types during the hour so you can see what the equipment does, and then I run a lengthy remote session afterwards.

3. I always run longremote sessionsfrom my home office. I couldn’t possibly sit you down for four or more hours to patiently wait for it to finish so I set the e-Lybra9 to do that later. This way, it can getdeep re-balancingunder way while you geton withyour life.

4. I will send you a quick email with a summary of information about the session (we can have a quick chat if further clarification is required).

5. You monitor changes you notice and keep me informed. This allows us to gauge when further sessions are required.

What imbalances are covered?

The range of imbalances is vast. It has over 400,000 resonances in the systemincludingthe complete physical, psychological, emotional, neurological, hormonal, and subtle energy systems. It also includes poisons and toxic substances of many types, bacteria, viruses and parasites.

e-Lybra®9 Analysis and Balancing – working with Carol - Refreshing Horizons (1)

There are also Dr Hulda Clarke protocols, Neurotech rebalancing and anever-growingrange of “Energetic Intervention” programmes used for many differentpersonal developmenttopics that we all wrestle with in our lives.

Who can use it?

It is suitable for everyone from babies through all ages (and animals) and can be considered an important addition to any other health programme.

Young children and small animals will either need the e-Pendant placed securely in bedding or clothes or we can look at providing drops or homeopathic pills instead (the latter two are more work and less effective in my experience). Seefurther information on the e-Pendant and other options here.

Will it hurt or feel strange?

No, the vast majority of people find it very gentle and supportive. It works at a comprehensive level (gently balancing lots of tiny factors to get you back into balance as a whole gradually).

If you have any concerns, then you can just take the pendant off and see if that makes a difference.

There are many different ways that I can structure the session, so we always work with your responses to further tune each session please let me know what is going on, and I will make adjustments (often free of charge).

e-Lybra®9 Analysis and Balancing – working with Carol - Refreshing Horizons (2)

Do I have to buy the machine too or install software or something?

No! I’ve got all that. Your part of this is to let me know the changes you notice and get on with your life. It is easy for you.

Is it expensive?

The equipment is costly to purchase, so I need to recoup that in addition to my own time and costs. If occasional extra ad-hoc sessions are required, I will often slot those in without charge for regular/payment plan clients.

I know fellow practitioners charging hundreds of pounds for short in-clinic sessions with no remote sessions. With me, you get a lot more time on the equipment for less money.

Clients who fall on hard times or have a sudden need for an extra session do get supported if I possibly can do so. I am keen to keep your life buoyant and on the up if possible!

If I try this, will people think I am weird and “out there”?

Probably. For most of the population, it is “off the radar”.

What do I tell friends and family about it?

This has to be your choice. I find explaining it in a way friends and family can understand difficult. It is something one has to experience. Some people enjoy making fun of such things just because they can, so it can be better to let the results speak instead. At that stage, they will ask you what you’ve been doing. There might be more of a genuine interest then!

Secret helper

Honesty and Integrity are among my key values.

My focus in our work together is your return to balance. Keeping yourself on an even keel and stress-free is very important to leave as much energy available to adjust to the nudges my work provides.

The good old placebo effect is banded about (as if it is all that there is for things such as homeopathy). It does exist, and I’m all for getting that working for us, as well as the energetic balancing that is happening. Why wouldn’t we use everything we can to get you results?

Any conflict within you about your choice of therapy (whatever it is) will drain energy away from healing. I have turned people away who are desperate to understand how what I do works because they are questioning and fighting against the process, instead of relaxing and letting it work away in the background.

Holistic therapists can often be your “secret helpers” for all these reasons.

I work in the background for clients who believe I can help them but have family members who might ridicule it (or worse).

Can I get support for a family member?

Interestingly, a pendant may be given to another family member to wear without him/her directly having to get involved with the consultations. If you or someone else can represent him/her and tell me what is going on, that will help, but I can get results without that.

The equipment speaks directly to the bio-field of the recipient. This is where the hair sample comes in – it tells the equipment how to find him/her (quantum physics). This keeps the recipient in overall control unconsciously. It always works for the good of that individual (so don’t expect me/it to re-programme your nearest and dearest – that just isn’t going to happen!) and has made a big difference even if the e-Pendant is only under a pillow overnight, for example.

e-Lybra®9 Analysis and Balancing – working with Carol - Refreshing Horizons (3)

I would never provide homeopathy or shamanic healing for someone without their explicit permission. The bioresonance is very different because it is ‘speaking’ to the person whether they know it or not.

Leap of faith

It took me years to believe it works, so I know it can be a leap of faith. Even after purchasing the equipment (and having worked remotely in my shamanic work), it took me around eighteen months before I truly believed the e-Lybra remote “stuff” worked.

“… it took me 18 months to believe the remote “stuff” worked”

Then, I sat with it for a while before deciding whether to promote it.

For me, the fact it works remotely was a significant factor in its purchase. I know I may be able to support you if you get an acute ailment of some sort or a sudden event in life that requires support (subject to me and the equipment being available). Pretending that I can’t was just out of the question.

Many fellow practitioners insist the pendant is returned for every recharge because it is more palatable for their clients. For me, it felt dishonest because it is unnecessary.

Now I get a rye smile of delight when I think how completely bonkers it can seem to those who (like me) are from a scientific or technical background and start seeing results from this.

Changes do happen, though, in a very gentle and supportive way, nudging each individual back into balance and onto his/her path in life.

How long will it take to work & how often will I need treatment?

This is tricky to answer. For most people (in generally good states of health and well-being), results can appear immediately, followed by a session every couple of months to work on more profound things.

Where there is increased complexity, we need to persevere for much longer, even to expect much change. I will do my best to set your expectations accurately, but this is so individual to each person that we need to see how you respond to it.

Generally, the more hours the sessions include, the faster results will be seen.

I devise a plan for each individual, so if you have something significant going on that you require a lot of support for, we can do some intensive work initially and then spread the sessions further apart as soon as possible.

Some people have had weekly sessions over a long period; others just have had two or three over a year.

If you have a severe health condition, you are often strapped for cash. I do provide free work for a limited number of people, but that does have a waiting list, I’m afraid. I need to pay my bills too!

How will I know if it’s working?

Ideally, you take stock and create a baseline of how you are before we start. Then you/we can monitor changes so I can tune the sessions to you individually.

You can expect to feel more relaxed after your session, and it is suggested that you take time to rest and integrate the session rather than return to work or start rushing around immediately afterwards. You may also experience an improved sense of mental clarity, vitality and optimal wellness.

Sometimes improvements are noticed immediately (especially if there is an acute problem such as a headache). Other times, changes happen more gradually as time progresses.

If I stop coming to you, will I get sick again?

Generally, the results will last. We are putting you back into balance, and that balance stays until something wobbles you off-balance again.

If you are in a situation that is constantly putting you under stress for one reason or another, then until that is sorted out, you probably would benefit from continued support. Life can be stressful these days, and sometimes the causes are also our loved ones or other responsibilities that we feel duty-bound to keep in our lives.

Most of my longer-term clients change the session focus every time, so we work on entirely different things gradually as life happens for him/her.

e-Lybra®9 Analysis and Balancing – working with Carol - Refreshing Horizons (4)


Here are a few of the many testimonials I have

“Although my mind is open to alternative holistic therapies and treatments, when I learned about E-Lybra, I was a teeny bit doubtful. I was looking for healing and balancing and having met Carol Fieldhouse, and liking her straight away, I was fascinated enough to try it. I remember the first night I wore the pendant, I had one of the best sleeps I could remember. I suddenly felt that something was really working for me. But something very surprising recently happened to me. Following the sight of a shadow on the wall of my bladder, seen on an ultrasound, surgery was recommended. I spoke to Carol before going to hospital and she was very positive about it, saying that she’d previously had experience of someone who wore an E-Lybra pendant going into surgery and nothing being found. This was amazing to hear and I’d read about things like this in the past. I remained positive and thus went into surgery. Lo and behold, nothing was found. The surgeon apologised for ‘putting me through surgery’, but all I could do was smile and rejoice inwardly. I don’t know how these instances can be proven, but I do know this, my pendant has become my best and I remained positive and thus went into surgery. Lo and behold, nothing was found. The surgeon apologised for ‘putting me through surgery’, but all I could do was smile and rejoice inwardly. I don’t know how these instances can be proven, but I do know this, my pendant has become my best and most worn piece of jewellery. Carol is compassionate, kind and thorough in her work and I’m so very glad we met on this path.”

JL West Midlands(remote e-Lybra®9 bio-resonance with e-pendant)

“Since visiting Carol only a few times she has helped sell my house, reduce my blood pressure and I feel calmer about life, Happier, more tolerant and able to put things into perspective. Our sessions are fun, professional and I am able to tell her anything. I definitely like the holistic approach it does take time to understand but we are trained to visit our GP and get a pill for that one symptom whereas, Carol digs a little deeper into the whole person and understands more how best to tackle the problem. After a shaky start the ePendant is working very successfully and I recommend anyone to try it, it is fascinating. May our journey together continue to be enjoyable and productive.”

GG, RugbyClinic and remote eLybra®9 Bio-Resonance plus some Andean Shamanic Energy Medicine
e-Lybra®9 Analysis and Balancing – working with Carol - Refreshing Horizons (5)

Remote/Distance sessions

Virtually everyclientnowhasremote sessions because

  • They are more effective than a clinic session because they run for many hours
  • No travel required
  • It can be timed to suit you often if a particular event requires additional support, or you get something you’d like support with (minor ailments etc.)

I usually also perform remote sessions for clinic clients to extend the range ofthe workthat can be done.

How remote sessions work

Victor Simms, the inventor of the e-Lybra9, explains that “the e-lybra does not use radio frequencies to transmit to the client. The e-Lybra creates an energetic bridge to the person/e-pendant and, through this bridge, can transfer healing information. It does not matter where in the world the client is.”

Further reading: Victor refers to is ‘Morphogenic Fields’ by Rupert Sheldrake for reading on the subject, or the scientific ‘NON Locality of photons experiment’.

My post about bio-resonanceoffers morebackground information about bio-resonance.

At clinic

What can I expect during a clinic session?

e-Lybra®9 Analysis and Balancing – working with Carol - Refreshing Horizons (6)

You can expect to sit in relaxed surroundings and connected via wrist straps (and/or ankle straps) to the e-Lybra®9 system.

I will run a series of scans using the computer to assess the imbalances in the physical body. It is common for clients to experience a slight tingling in the body; this is perfectly normal and not harmful.

I usually also perform further sessions remotely (after the clinic session) to target specific areas or review progress.

Do I have to undress atthe clinic?

No! You may be asked to remove your wristwatch or bracelets, and shoes if ankle straps are being used.

Advanced personal development

If you want to try the personal development path offered by the series ofEnergetic Interventions, these take up to 1.5 hours. If you cancome toclinicfor the first of each then that is worthwhile,otherwisethey can be run remotely. They are so beneficial and deep acting, designed to align each recipient’s energy field very finely tothe newwaves of consciousness that are coming in. This seems to make them very effective at shifting ‘stuff’.

I have a separate post about these.

e-Lybra®9 Analysis and Balancing – working with Carol - Refreshing Horizons (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.