Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)

Sale De BRUNING 8. BRUNING, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1902. No. 31 A LIBERAL OFFER The Brick Store is making a very libera offer to its patrons, it giving a total of $77.55 worth of merchandise away absolutely free to Brick Store customers. It is to be given away as premiums on every $1.00 CASH purchase.

You make a $1.00 CASH purchase and you are entitled to draw an envelope from the box and what is on the slip in the envelope you get, There is no fake or bunco game about it--it's a square deal. You get what your slip calls for absolutely FREE. 100 Match Safes 5.00 .9 Oblong Vegetable Dishes 1.35 100 Bars Soap 4.00 2 Covered Butter Dishes 60 100 Papers Washing Powder 5 00 2 4 piece Glass Sete. 2.00 00. 25 Papers of Needles 1.25 6 Glass Cream Pitchers 1 20.

300 Packages of Garden Seeds 10.00 6 Glass Sugar Bowls 1.10 900 Pkgs Matches with $1 purchase 8.00 9 1 gallon Water Pitchers 8 01 15 Pkgs Buckwheat Flour 2.25 12 6 inch Deep Dishes 1.20 15 Pkgs Uncle Jerry Pancake- Fir 2.25 6 Spoon Holders 90 70 cans Forrest C. Baking Powder 3.50 4 Flower Pots 1.51 50 lb-packges Good Tea 12 50 6 China Sugar Bowls 1.00 10 Cans K. C. Baking Powder 250 2 Glass Castors (4 bottle) 1.00 30 Nickel Plated Knives and Forks 4.50 1 Ticket $1.00 Cash 1.00 24 Bottles Sewing Machine Oil 2.40 Ticket 8.50 Cash 50 20 Bottles Blueing 1.00 Ticket $.25 Cash 25 12 9-inch Meat Platters 1.80 We must reduce our winter goods as much as possible to make room for our Early Spring Goods and we will sell at greatly reduced prices our Gloves and Mittens of all kinds. Men's Caps and Underwear and Heavy Shirts and all kinds of fleeced goods--at Cut Prices.

BRICK STORE LOCAL. Is your subscription due? Sale bills at the Courier office. Mrs. P. C.

Elliott is seriously ill. Mrs. Anneson went to Geneva yesterday. Now is a good time to pay your subscription. If you want a farm loan call on 8.

J. Fitzsimons. Call at the Brick Store when in need of potatoes. Bargains in Ladies wrappers at the Right Place. Ed Fairbanks inade a business trip to Hebron Tuesday.

Jess Walker went to Ohiowa Wednesday for a short visit. o-cine oil, the best, 20c oil on earth. At the Right Fred Grone will have an auction at his store tomorrow. Country sorghum, 40c, per gallon at the Right Place. Mrs.

Maude Stone went to Geneva Wednesday for a. visit. Treasurer Bothwell spent Sunday at home with his family. Mrs. L.

L. Fowler went to South Omaha this morning. James Johnson spent Sunday at Dorchester with his family. Theodore Philippi made a business trip to Hebron Monday. Chris Eden renewed his subscription to the Conrier Saturday.

Miss Estella Walker of Ohiowa is vis iting her sister, Mrs. E. Guthrie. Dr. Saylor was called to Ohiowa Monday to attend Mrs.

Goodwater. For Sale--Corn, by the wagon load or car load, by the Bruning Roller Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Lainb of Geneva visited Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Fairbanks yesterday. M. Gasper, the Geneva pop man was calling on his customers here Saturday. Mrs.

J. A. Bothwell returned from ber visit at Sabetha, Kansas, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Thomas of Shickley visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells yesterday. Miss Maggie Scott of Geneva visited her friend Miss Irma Martin over Sun- S. J.

Fitzsimons will sell your prop trade your property, insure your property, in fact do anything for you in the real estate line. Give him your ousiness and you will get good results. John Bowman is raisiox hits implenent house shed and is going to put new sills, the old ones baying rotted out. Ar. Bowman intends to put a door in the front part of the building for his We have noticed for some thine espectally the past week that there are a few farmers who will com- to town and tie their teams to the bitching racks and go and leave them standing for several hours at a time instead putting them under shelter and feeding them.

This 18 a very bad practice and the town authorities should see that all teams left in this manner should be cared for at the owners expense. High School Items. Carrie Meyer was absent Wednesday morning. The school year Wil8 half duished on last Friday. C.

E. Kerr Was a very pleasant caller last Monday. Anna Ulon was absent Mouday on acount of the snow storm. Harry Hay has been unable to atteud school this week on accouut of work. The snow is fully appreciated by the scholars, apd snow baling seems to be the present enjoyment.

Happiness is a perfume that one can not shed over another without a few drops fulling on himself. He who bus other graces, without hu mility, is one who carri-s box of prec ious powder without a cover on a windy day. William and Lila Richardsou left school last week in order to prepare- for their trip to their new home i in Canada They have been very regular in their attendance and will be greatly missed from our ranks. Lulu Kreihling met with a serious accident yesterday. While playing.

at school she had the misfortune to step upon a rusty nuil which ran deeply into her foot, We hope she will soon recover and be able to resume her school work. Children Especially Liable. Burns, bruises and cuts are extremely painful and if neglected often result in blood poisoning. Children are especially liable to such mishaps because not 80 careful. As a remedy De Wiu's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled.

Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of coun erfeits: Sure cure for piles. Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema after two physicians gave her up," writes James Mock, N. Webster, Ind. sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." W.

R. Caldwell. The Weather. Bruning citizens were greatly sur prised Monday morning when they awoke to find the ground completely coveredwith snow. It was a wet snow and con tinued to fall until noon.

A strong wind set in about and it looked for a while like we were going to have an old fashioned blizzard. The wind went down about midnight and Tars lay the sun came out, warm which melted the snow very rapidly. In all the snow fall. here was about two inches, farther south it being heavier. Although the snow was unexpected it was greatly ap: preciated by the farmers as the wheat fields were becoming very dry and needed moisture badly.

Pleasant Plain Items. Mary and Clara Lindakugel are vieit ing relatives near Lincoln. Tom: Brinegar has purchased the House farm, four miles west of Alexandria. Seth Demery has entirely recovered from the small pox and the quarantine has been raised. Isaac Thomas' have moved to their new home north of the M.

E. and Mr. Crumb from north of Ohiowa will soon moved into the residence vacated by Mr. Thomas'. Hand Painted Chinaware given as premiums on cash at the Right Place.

J. M. Roberts has been granted a pen sion of $8 per month. There will be another wolf chafe next DIED At his home three miles south of Bruning, Sunday morning, January 19, 1909, John P. Schaver, of typhoid fever.

The funeral services were held Wednesday morning at the Methodist church at Belvidere. The family has the sympathy of the entire community 10 their sad bereavement. IN MEMORY. Dearest friond thou has left us And our loss we deeply feel But it is God who has bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. Yet again we hope to meet thee When the day of life has fled.

When in heaven Joy to greet thee Where no farewell tears are shed. Weep not chat his toils are over Weep not that his race is won God Grant that we may rest calmly When our work like his is done. And rejoice the glad assurance He giveth his loved one sleep. -His Friend, Murty Wilson. At her home four miles of Bruning.

Friday, January 17, 1902, Mrs. Henrietta Saxton of pneumonin the funeral was celd Monday, the services being conducted at the Methodist church at Belvidere. Mre. Saxton tor the past year has made be home with her son. Elmore Saxton, and was buried beside her husband at the Belvidere cemetery.

At her home in Ohiowa Monday, Jan uary.20.1902.- Mrs. Grace M. -Cheno- weth, wife of Claude M. Chenoweth. Mrs.

Chenoweth has been married only a little over three months and her death comes as a sad blow to ber Mrs. Chenoweth was formerly Miss Grace Hill and was raised four miles South west of Bruning and is well known in this vicinity. Mi. Cheno veth has the sympathy of this community and the editor of the Courier in his sad berenvement. Excursion to Florida.

The Burlington Route is organizing a personally conducted excursion to Florida and Cuba, to leave Nebraska points, Wednesday, January 29th. The route will be via St. Louis, thence to Jackson ville, through scens which have been forever made historic by the dramtic events of the civil war. An 'exceedingly low rate bas been made, and members of the excursion have choice of several attractive trips after they arrive at Jacksonville. This opportunity of escaping the most unpleasant portion of a Nebraska winter and enjoying in its stead, the deligits of a semi tropical country will appeal to everyone who has the money and can spare the time to make an extended pleasure trip.

A handsome booklet, giving details of the excursion will be ready for distribution about January 1st. Write for 8 copy. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. A Profitable Investment.

I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and. in bed half my time," says E. Demick, Somerville, Ind. "I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to. help me untll I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.

I have taken a few bottles and am entirely well. "You don't live by what you but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach's work by digesting the food You don't bave to diet. Eat all you want.

Kodol Dyspepsia, Cure cures all stomach. troubles. W. R. Caldwell.

Two Tall New Hotels. Contracts have been let in New York for two nine and one-half story hotels, which will each be but 18.9 feet wide. Each hotel will be fireproof and furnished with an elevator, hallways and an airshaft. There will be two bachelor apartments on each floor, making eighteen apartments in each hotel. The front apartments will consist of three rooms and a bath and the rear ones of two rooms.

No Faith in Wooden Docks. Naval authorities in the United States have apparently lost all faith in wooden docks and now seek a dry dock to last for centuries instead. It is understood to be the desire of Secretary Long that the new dock to be constructed at -Charleston, S. shall be of stone, and embody the latest discovertes and attachments in vogue in such structures. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Qunine Tablets.

All druggists refund the mopey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on the box 25c. When You Buy Flour Ask your merchant for Bruning Flour.

It is the best flour on the market. Our Mill is New, our Machinery is of the Very Latest Pattern and all we ask of you is to give our flour a fair trial. Nobody likes poor bread and to have GOOD bread you must have GOOD Flour. Every sack of our best flour contains a useful souvenier. Remember we replace any sack that 15 not satisfactory.

BRUNING ROLLER MILLS C. E. KERR DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL, SASH AND DOORS. Anyone anticipating building let me figure with you on all bills great and small. I will do my best to try and please you.

Ail Lumber in sheds- no damp stock. To My Patrons: All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle their accounts at once so that I can get my books straightened up. T. REINHOLTZ. J.

H. Benford of Johnsiowa. Pa, is visiting his daugbter, Mrs. F. H.

Fitzsimons Dr. Allen Wells has moved from Comstock to Virgin where he will practice. Mrs. W. R.

Caldwell went to Strang yesterday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Sheppard. Red -an chicken food. The best egg producer on earth At the drug store. Miss Maggie Hay went to Geneva Tuesday for a visit with her cousin Miss Laura Bender.

John Gruben has enlisted in the regular army and is now in San Francisco on his way to Manila. William Richardson had his sale ves terday. There was a good crowd and everything sold well. Remember that we are closing out our line of ladies coats, capes 'and jackets. Right Place.

Mrs. John Bruning who has been on the sick list from lung tever for the past two weeks is recovering. 0. J. Willms will hold a public sale at his farm one mile west of Belvidere on Saturday, February, 1, 1902.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowman Monday, January 20, 1902, a boy. Dr. Saylor reports mother and child doing nicely.

Wanted -To trade a good Columbian Graphophone with eighteen records for a good bicycle. Inquire of S. J. Fitzsimons. W.

H. Bock, traveling commercial agent for the Burlington was here last night. Mr. Bock was formerly the agent at Hebron. S.

J. Fitzsimons reports the sale of the Bartley farm east of Belvidere to Charley Schroeder of Strang last week. The consideration was $2,400. For Sale--My property situated the first house east of the German Bank. Will sell cheap as I am going awry Easy terms.

C. Gillespie. I would like a few more pupils in music. Will endeavor to assist on most any practical instrument. Leave orders at the Courier office.

J. Sloey. Mrs. Everling of Campbell who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. August Brunke, went to Daykin Wednesday where she will visit before returning to her home.


FRANK BRUNING. Cashier A.0. WELLS, Assistant Cashier. GERMAN BANK OF BRONING. Capital and Surplus, $14,000.

A general banking business transacted. Drafts made on New York and all European cities DIRECTORS: J. A. Both well, Samuel Fitzsimons. Friedrich Bruning, W.

H. Grone. SNYDER DRINKWALTER PROPRIETORS OF BRUNING MEAT MARKET A complete stock of Fresh, Salt, Cured Meats, Pickles Ice. I shall make it a point at all times to have fresh goods on band ana everything kept neat and clean Give we a call. Gash Paid for Hides and Pelts.

BRUNING SAMPLE ROOM. BRUNING, DEALER IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS, In Whiskies I have the Famous Canadian Club. Guekenheimer Rye, Red Top Rye, Planet Sour Mash and McKanes Fine Malt. In Wines I have the following choice brands: Angelica, Claret, Cherry, Reisling, Port. St.

Julien. Gold Seal and Champagne. Brandies: Peach. Apricot and Grape. HOLLAND PABST Keg and Bottled An extensive line of Fragrant Havana Cigars.


I am ready at all times to furnish the publie. with single or double ries at the lowest rates, Good stock, bandsome buggies and carerul urivera. Horses boarded. and teame fed. BRUNING, NEB OUR ADVERTISERS PATRONIZE IT WILL PAY YOU..

Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.